A Bit on the Dream Catcher

The Ojibwa are the first recorded people to use the dream catcher, one of the most intriguing Native American customs. Traditionally, the dream catcher is hung above the place where one sleeps in order to protect them from nightmares. When the sun descends, dreams fill the air. The center has an opening through which pleasant dreams pass and then slide down feathers to the sleeper below, while bad dreams are caught in the webbing of the catcher. Negative dreams that have been seized are destroyed by the time of the first morning sunlight. This dream filtering system, modeled around the spider web because of its similar capturing qualities, is now popular among several cultures.

The legends and designs of dream catchers do vary to some extent.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ten Interesting Facts on Dreaming

Here are ten quick and interesting facts about dreaming that you may not know and may be surprised to hear.  

Image via Glimpses via viewimages

10. If you are snoring, you are not dreaming.

9. The average person has at least four to seven dreams each night.

8. Animals dream too. [For more on animals sleeping patterns visit here]

7. Smokers who quit have more vivid dreams. (Source) 

6. We only dream what we know, faces of strangers in dreams are based on people we have seen before. 

5. Men and women dream differently. From dream recall abilities to men dreaming about other men more than they dream about women. [For more detail on the matter visit here

4. Not all people dream in color. A study has shown that a small percentage of people dream in black in white. Surprisingly this percentage has decreased over the years, most likely due to the switch from black and white television to colored. 

3. Within 10 minutes of waking up usually 90% of your dreams of that night have been forgotten. 

2. Everyone dreams, people who say they don't either just forget or may have an extreme psychological disorder. 

1. The most common emotion people experience in dreams is anxiety.